To know about price of Siberian Husky
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To know about price of Siberian Husky

To know about price of Siberian Husky To know about price of Siberian Husky To know about price of Siberian Husky To know about price of Siberian Husky To know about price of Siberian Husky

Price of Siberian Husky in India

Siberian Huskies are the most popular breed in the world. They were initially bred for their ability to pull sleds, but today they make excellent companions. Siberians are friendly, energetic, and intelligent dogs that need a lot of exercise and playtime. Although they have a high prey drive, they are also good with children and other pets if appropriately trained.

Siberian Huskies are medium-sized dogs with thick coats that come in various colors. They have almond-shaped eyes, erect ears, and a thick double coat in multiple colors, including red, yellow, and chocolate brown. Their fur is coarse and wiry but can be clipped short by breeders who want to give their puppies a cleaner look. The Siberian Husky's dense undercoat protects them from cold weather. At the same time, their outer guard hairs help keep them warm in summertime heat waves by trapping air around the body's surface area (similarly to how down feathers work for birds).

Siberian Huskies are known for being very vocal creatures; this trait helps them communicate with each other when they're playing together or having fun outside during snowfall season!

Siberian Huskies are friendly and playful. They are intelligent, easy to train, and can be good with children. Siberian Huskies are excellent companions for people who have other pets or want a dog that will not get into trouble or bark at strangers.

Siberian Huskies are very loyal dogs and were bred for sled pulling in the harsh winters of Eastern Russia, where they lived before coming over to North America, where they became popular pets as well as working dogs used by farmers during harvest time when there was less work on farms because of bad weather conditions (in other words: it was too cold). These days, you don't need any special skills when training your Siberian Husky; just let them know what behaviors you expect at home and outside, where everyone else might see them!

A Siberian Husky has an average lifespan of 12 to 14 years.

The average height of Husky ranges from 50 to 60 centimeters.

The weight of a Husky is proportional to its height. Average weight ranges from 15 to 25kgs.

Grooming is an essential part of the Siberian Husky's life. They require daily brushing, weekly baths, and annual grooming. The dog should be brushed with a firm-hold bristle brush at least once a day to remove dead hair and dirt from their coat.

During the winter months, it is recommended that you bathe your Siberian Husky once every three weeks to remove any mud or snow stuck on its body. You will also want to trim nails regularly by cutting off any excess length between each toe on each front foot so that your pet doesn't hurt when they walk on hard surfaces like tile floors with sharp corners (which could cause wounds). These procedures can be done by yourself if you're unsure how long it'll take, but generally, this should only take about 5 minutes per paw!

The maintenance and breeding cost of a Husky in India is relatively high, leading to the high price of Husky puppies compared to other breeds. The average cost of a Siberian Husky puppy is around 40,000 to 60,000 INR.

Food Habits
Siberian Huskies are easy to feed, but they do have specific needs. They need high-quality dog food that's been specifically designed for their breed, and they also need to be fed twice a day. You should ensure your Siberian Husky has access to fresh water and avoid leaving him alone in the house when you're not around.

Health Concerns
Siberian Huskies have a higher incidence of health problems than other breeds. These include:

Hip dysplasia (HD) – HD is a severe genetic condition in which there is abnormal formation and growth of the hip joint, resulting in pain and lameness. It may occur at any age but usually begins between 9-12 months or three years old.

Eye Problems – Siberian Huskies are prone to eye diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, entropion, and ectropion (rolling in). These conditions can lead to blindness if not treated early on.

Skin Allergies – Siberian Huskies often develop skin allergies due to their fine hair coat, which makes them vulnerable to parasites such as fleas and mites that inhabit the natural habitats around us humans.

Ideal Living Environment
Siberian Huskies are very active dogs. They need a lot of exercises to burn off their excess energy, which is why Siberian Huskies should not be left alone for long periods or enclosed spaces.

Siberian Huskies are also highly intelligent and motivated, so training them early on will help prevent behavioral problems later in life. The best way to train your Siberian Husky is by teaching them what you want them to do before rewarding them afterward with treats or toys when they perform correctly.

Siberian huskies are an excellent dog breed but require your full attention. They can be very demanding and need lots of exercises, so if you don’t have time to take them on long walks daily, they may become bored or anxious in their new home. 

Published By: Admin
Published On: 18-July-2022
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