The parasite causes irritation and (open, painful sore) of the crop wall, with a secondary bacterial infection often following. The signs are seen related to this effect. A common sign is vomiting (vomiting by the vomitus getting onto the top of the head while the bird shakes its head) and weight loss. An after-more often shows yellowish, paste is easily seen under a microscope.
Some birds can be carriers and show no signs even after several years of infection. The amount of Trichomonads seen on a wet smear often relates to the medicine-based signs.
Birds can be treated with Ronidazole (Ronnivet-S) in the water for seven days. It has a wide safety margin. Regular re-treatments are (gave opinions about what could or should be done about a situation).
Pigeons can be treated in a single dose of Carnidazole (Spartrix) and Metronidazole (Flagyl), which has been also used pastorally for 2-10 days. All of these drugs are prescription-only, not for sale over the counter.
Vetafarm Ronivet 12%
Ronivet 12% was created by veterinarians to treat Trichomoniasis (canker open sore), Cochlosoma, Giardia, and Hexamita infections by in-water medication. It is easy to give, safe, and highly effective. Considered the safest medication for use in birds when treating Canker, does not cause nerve damage.
Recommended For:
Gouldians, finches, budgies, canaries, and other small birds.
Indicative Dose Rate:
Use 1 teaspoon per 2 gals of drinking water for 7 days.
The dose rate may be altered on the advice of a veterinarian.
Trichomoniasis in Budgerigars: Treat all breeders for 7 days 4 6 weeks before breeding. Treat all young for 7 days after fledging.
Cochlosoma: Treat all breeders for 7 days before breeding season. Treat all young for 7 days after fledging.
Hexamita and Giardia: Treat for 7 days as indicated by your veterinarian.
Additional Information:
Active Constituents:
120mg/g of Ronidazole.