The gut of chicken and ducks can be infected with a number of different roundworms.Heavy infections cause weightloss, diarrohea and poor egg production. The thin red, gizzard worm lives in the wall of the gizzard and is the cause of loss of appetite, weightloss, diarrohea and death of birds. Both chicken and duck can be infected with very small parasites called coccidian which live in the wall of the gut.
Birds can have internal (digestive and respiratory systems) and external parasites. The internal parasites include worms and protozoa, and external parasites include mites, lice, ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. There are also some parasites that affect the blood. You can use Wormout gel for internal worms & Scatt for external mites, lice , ticks and mosquitoes.
The most common symptoms with worms with birds include weight loss, poor feather condition, lethargy, sleepiness and ruffled feathers. In breeding birds you may also see a reduced activity particularly in the egg production. You can use vetafarm wormout gel to free your birds from worms and make them healthy.
Effectively kills all intestinal worms including Thread Worm (Capillaria spp.) Tapeworms (Raillietina spp, Choanotaenia spp.), Roundworms (Ascaridia spp.), Caecal Worms (Heterakis Gallinarum), Hook Worm (Aquaria spp.) in caged and aviary birds and pigeons. It is completely safe and can be mixed with a small amount of orange juice for fussy drinkers.
Recommended For:
Use as an all-wormer in birds.
Active Constituents:
20g/L Praziquantel, 20g/L Oxfendazole.