Tips for Finding the Right Dog Kennel | Petindiaonline
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Tips for Finding the Right Dog Kennel | Petindiaonline

Tips for Finding the Right Dog Kennel | Petindiaonline Tips for Finding the Right Dog Kennel | Petindiaonline Tips for Finding the Right Dog Kennel | Petindiaonline Tips for Finding the Right Dog Kennel | Petindiaonline Tips for Finding the Right Dog Kennel | Petindiaonline

7 Tips every Dog Parent should Know before Finding a Kennel for their Dogs

Most city-dwellers are dog parents, but being a working professional in the corporate world can be quite tough on you and your dog. In such cases, you might have to choose between taking your furry friend to a kennel or leaving him home alone for long hours.

Before opting for any random kennel, you must do a bit of research work. Ask your friends, family members, and colleagues about any good kennels nearby. You can also go online and search for the best kennels near your place. Make sure to read the reviews and ratings before you choose one.
There are a variety of factors to consider before choosing the right kennel for your pet. Here are 7 things every dog parent must know before finding a shelter for their pet:
This is one of the most important things that you need to check before choosing any kind of facility for your pet. A clean and hygienic place will ensure that your pooch stays healthy and happy even when you're not around to take care of him.
Make sure that the place you are keeping your dog is clean, tidy, and spacious. The space should be sufficient for your pooch to enjoy himself and not feel claustrophobic. A good kennel has separate indoor and outdoor spaces with proper ventilation throughout the day.
The interior of the kennel should also have a comfortable surface, such as wood chips or straw, and a sleeping area if necessary. You may prefer to provide a soft bed for your dog instead of the one provided by the facility. If so, you need to bring this along with you.
One of the things you need to consider when choosing a kennel is the kind of enclosures they use. Some daycares or boarding facilities have no doors at all and have only bars for partitions. This can be very unsettling for dogs as it can lead to anxiety and fear of open spaces. If you have no other option, make sure that your pet will be comfortable with this kind of enclosure.
Ask them if they have enclosures for each dog that is big enough for them to play and even rest. This is important because it can be stressful for dogs to always be walking around in a small area.
Find out what food will be served. If the food isn't something you would feed your pet, consider bringing it from home. Ask about policies for special diets or if you can bring treats for your pet.
Make sure that the kennel has food that contains all of the necessary nutrients for your dog. If they don’t, ask if it’s fine for you to bring some from home. 
Some dogs can have sensitive stomachs, so do not feed them something new if they are not used to it. It may cause them to become ill while they are in the kennel.
The kennel should also be able to accommodate any special dietary needs or allergies that your dog may have.
Vet Availability 
The medical care of your dog is very important, hence it is vital to find out if the kennel has a vet on call and how often the vet visits. You do not want to keep your pet in a place where he/she will not receive proper medical attention when needed.
You should always ask about the vet's availability — not only for emergencies but for administering medications your dog may need daily.
Staff Behavior 
How the staff behaves with your pooch will tell you a lot about their quality of services. They should be friendly and caring towards them. If you feel something wrong with the staff's body language or behavior, then it's better to look for some other options.
The staff at boarding facilities are people who spend most of the day with your dog so it’s essential to ensure that they’re happy and compassionate towards animals.
You should check if the kennel offers a transportation service as it is one of the things to consider before keeping your dog in a shelter. You won't have enough time to take your dogs everywhere and it will be difficult for you to manage everything at once.
The best kennels provide transportation services so that you can easily drop off and pick up your dog without any hassle.

Check Your Dog's Behavior after they Return from the Kennel 
Most dog parents would agree that finding a kennel for their dog is not a fun task. While it's always great to find a sitter that can stay in your home with your dog, sometimes it's just not possible. 
So after you've finally found the perfect kennel, you must understand what to expect and what you should be on the lookout for after your dog returns from the kennel.
Many times dogs can experience stress when they're away from their homes and families. The stress may come from being in a new location, around different people, or even other dogs. This is why it's so important to check your dog's behavior after they get home from the kennel.
Some dogs become withdrawn or depressed after they've been away from home for an extended period. Other dogs may become more aggressive or nervous after they return home. 
These behavioral changes can indicate separation anxiety, stress, or illness. If you notice any changes in your dog's behavior, contact his veterinarian right away so you can discuss what steps to take next.
How to Prepare your Dog
Before you drop your dog off at a kennel, you’ll need to make sure they are prepared. This means not only making sure they are up to date on all their vaccinations and that they have an ID tag on their collar, but also making sure they are comfortable being left at the kennel facility.
Depending on the dog's personality, he may need some time to get used to the idea of being in an unfamiliar place with people he doesn't know.
A visit to the vet is always a good idea before boarding the dog. This will ensure that he's up-to-date on his shots and doesn't have any medical problems that could affect his stay at the kennel.
Make sure your dog is friendly and sociable around other people and dogs. If the dog isn't used to being around other people or dogs, it may be difficult for him to adjust to a new environment where he will have to be around other dogs.
Don't forget his bed, food, and toys from home. These familiar items will help keep him calm and ease his anxiety about being away from home.
Leave an emergency contact number with the kennel staff. You'll want to give them your veterinarian's number as well, just in case anything happens while you're gone that requires immediate medical attention.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What makes a good kennel for a dog?
Kennels should ensure there is sufficient light and provide appropriate ventilation. Dog kennel facilities should have a clean smell as a result of regular maintenance. The temperature in the boarding facility should be comfortable for the animals.

How should dog owners choose a dog kennel?
Finding a safe and comfortable boarding option for your dog takes careful research. Visit the kennel or pet sitter with your dog first to see how they interact with them. Safety is key, so look for secure, clean, chemical-free, and temperature-controlled spaces.

Published By: Admin
Published On: 7-June-2022
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