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Top Tips to Train a Cat | PetIndiaonline

Top Tips to Train a Cat | PetIndiaonline Top Tips to Train a Cat | PetIndiaonline Top Tips to Train a Cat | PetIndiaonline Top Tips to Train a Cat | PetIndiaonline Top Tips to Train a Cat | PetIndiaonline

Training a Cat

Cats are an intelligent and independent bunch. But they can still be trained to behave in a certain fashion. Given that they are so self sufficient, it is easy to think that there is no need to train them. However cats can benefit greatly from training as it keeps them content and not bored.

How to Train a Cat
The most important thing to remember when training your cat is that you can't force him to do anything.
Cats are very sensitive and will become afraid, confused and stressed if forced into a situation.
The best way to train your cat is through positive reinforcement by rewarding his good behavior with praise and treats, rather than scolding him for bad behavior.

Litter Training 
The first thing a new cat owner must do is to teach the cat where it should eliminate.
A newly adopted cat will need some time to get used to its new environment. Therefore, you should provide your cat with a comfortable and private area in your home where it can feel safe and secure. 

Whenever you see your cat, take them and put them in the litter box. This way they will learn that this is the place where they have to go for their necessities.

This will allow the cat plenty of time to get used to its new home without having any stressful experiences.

Prevent Biting
You can prevent a cat from biting by paying special attention to her body language, so you know when she's getting ready to attack.
If your cat's ears are pulled back and pressed against her head, she's in attack mode. If you notice this posture, take your hands away from her and wait until she calms down. 

You can also avoid biting by discouraging play aggression, which is when cats bite each other during playtime.

To discourage this behavior, never use your hands or feet as toys when you play with your cat.

Instead, use a wand toy or a ball that can't be bitten. You should also avoid playing with your cat right before mealtime or bedtime, because she'll be more likely to bite due to hunger or exhaustion.

Prevent Scratching Furniture
Cats love to scratch. Unfortunately, they don't always choose appropriate materials for their claws -- like your new sofa or the drapes.
Instead of trying to stop your cat from scratching altogether, teach her where she can and can't scratch. With a little training, you may be able to get her to use only the scratching post you provide for her.

The most important part of training a cat not to scratch anything other than the post is providing an appealing alternative. You can buy a sisal-rope or cardboard scratching post at any pet supply store, but if you want to save some money you can make one out of an old rug or carpet remnant.

Following Commands
Training a cat is not impossible. Cats can learn commands and stunts just like other animals.
You just have to understand the animal's psychology and know how to motivate them to follow your commands or do tricks for you.
Teaching a Cat to Sit
One of the most basic commands you can teach your cat is to sit. You'll need to start out by sitting on the floor with your cat and a treat in front of you.
Hold the treat just out of his reach and tell him to "sit." Encourage him with praise and happy talk until he does sit. When he does, give him the treat immediately. Repeat this exercise until your cat sits every time you command him to do so.
High Five
All you need is a cat that likes to be held and some treats that he loves. Take one treat in your hand by folding your fingers over it and holding it between your thumb and forefinger.
This trick works best if you wear socks as you can rub it on the floor for more scent. 
Now, show your cat the treat and then put your arm around his neck from behind so that he cannot see what you have in your hand.
Then, slowly raise your hand up towards his nose but make sure he can't see anything yet. As soon as he raises his paw, give him the treat immediately. 

Do this a few times till he gets the hang of it and then start saying 'High Five' or 'Paw' as soon as you hold up the treat.

Be patient with him; all cats are smart but might take a little time to pick up on it!

Come when Called 
Here is the first command you can teach your cat: "Come." You need to plan ahead for this one. Your cat needs to be hungry.
First, put a collar on her. Then, put her in a separate room. Call her name and gently shake some food into the bowl.
(If she does not have a collar and will not wear one, you may need to keep her in a cage for this exercise.) When she comes running, praise her and give her the food.
Repeat this process several times over several days until she begins to come on command.
Next, leave the food bowl in the room with the door closed. Give the command and open the door. When she runs out of the room, give her the food. 

From now on, do not allow her to have any food until she obeys your commands. Continue practicing until you can call her anywhere in your home without using the food reward system.

Tips for a Successful Training Session
When it comes to cat training, most people think that cats are difficult to train. But this is not true as cats can be trained easily.
They are very intelligent and respond well to training.

The main reason why most cat owners fail to train their pets is that they do not have the correct approach.

Cats can be trained easily if you follow the correct procedure and use the right methods.

Training Before Meals
The first thing to remember is that cats absolutely love meals and they will stop at nothing to get their paws on them.
Make sure you are aware of this before you start training your cat to do tricks. 

For example, if you want to train your cat to catch treats, place the treat in front of him and say "catch" or "take it."

He will definitely take it in his mouth. If he does so, give him a treat as a reward for his behavior.

This way, he will learn that if he does something good, he gets rewarded for his good behavior.

Avoid Distractions
Distractions can be a major hindrance in the training of your pet cat. Be it a person or an object, every distraction will divert your cat’s attention from what he is being trained to do. Therefore, you need to choose a place where there are minimum distractions while training your cat.

Make sure you don't have any distractions in the background. You can turn off or unplug all the devices that emit sound or light. This might help them to develop a sense of security and they would not feel shy while approaching you.

Keep it Short 
Cats have a very short attention span. They can get bored easily and lose interest in what they are doing.
So keep your training session short. You should keep it under 10 minutes to make sure that your cat stays interested throughout the session.
In case you feel that your cat has lost interest, end the session before she gets completely distracted from her task or she may have trouble getting interested in learning again.
Use Treats as a Reward
Cats love treats, so you can use this to your advantage. Reward your cat with their favorite food whenever they perform any task you like.
You can even give them something special when they are just behaving well. This will encourage them to repeat the same behavior or task again and again and they’ll learn faster.
Are Cats Easy to Train
Cats are not very easy to train. They are highly intelligent but they don't like to be told what to do.
However, you can successfully train your cat if you use positive reinforcement. You can teach your cat to perform tricks or any other behavior you want.
You need to be patient and consistent when training a cat. Don't expect too much too soon.
The easiest way to train a cat is by using positive reinforcement techniques. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding your cat for performing the desired behavior and ignoring the unwanted one.
You should start training your cat when it is still a kitten. It is easier to train kittens than adult cats as their brains are still in the learning phase and hence, they respond well to new things.

Cats are very smart creatures, but they don't respond to negative conditioning, unlike dogs. Therefore, it is important that you don't punish them for doing something wrong.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it hard to train a cat?
Ans: The good news is that kittens are very easy to train because they're speedy learners and naturally like to be clean.
How long does it take to train a cat?
Ans: Many cat owners assume that training a feline takes a significant amount of time and effort. The reality is that cats learn best in short training sessions, typically one to five minutes, spread out through the day.

Published By: Admin
Published On: 25-April-2022
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