What food is good for street dogs?
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What food is good for street dogs?

What food is good for street dogs? What food is good for street dogs? What food is good for street dogs? What food is good for street dogs? What food is good for street dogs?

What food is good for street dogs?

Feeders who feed street dogs need to be kind and responsible. There are uncountable events of human-animal conflict, especially in the case of stray dogs.

Avoid fighting or arguing with others or causing problems with local people in the locality. Do not feed in front of residential areas or close to anybody's house.

Feed them at one particular point. This particular permanent feeding spot should be away from residential complexes.

Feed the dogs only once a day- we firmly believe that if you feed them many times in a day, their gut feeling of looking for food gets disrupted and the dog will become completely dependent on you, which can be a problem if you're not around even for a few days.

Exceptions to this are, pregnant, orphan pups, sick, old, or paralyzed dogs who will need food servings as per vet suggestions or otherwise due to their inability to dead or missing things for food.

Dogs tend to be protective, and they don't want to share their food. So feed them separately to avoid fighting.

Sometimes change the feeding spots and the areas to avoid fights among dogs.

Always keep a bowl of water outside your house or on the streets for stray animals. Don't give them cold water. Make sure it is normal and is at room temperature.

Always feed them at a particular time. Feed the strays at that time when there is no one around, like early in the morning, mid-afternoon, or late at night.

There are different types of food which we can give to the dogs. Avoid giving spoiled foods.

Always give good foods, should pay attention to the nutritional value of the food.

You can give only boiled eggs alone or mixed with chapati or bread. But it is not suitable for puppies.

Boiled chicken with rice is a good combination of food for dogs, but be careful of chicken bones, they may get stuck in the throat and cause them to choke.

Another great option for those people who don't have time to cook prefer something easily available.

Many brands offer a great variety of dog food, some of the recommended brands are Smart Heart, Pedigree, Petindia, etc.

Certain local fish can be a part of a balanced meal for dogs as long as they are cooked properly and bones are removed.

You can also feed them khichdi if it is easier. Don't add spices or salt to it, a pinch of salt is fine if necessary.

Try to avoid feeding milk too regularly, but if you, must dilute with water. Milk is also a good option to mix chapatti or rice in it.

Many people also feed biscuits, it is important to keep in mind that they should not contain sugar in it.

It is good to feed unsweetened biscuits like Marie Gold biscuits or Marie biscuits, and PGBite Dog Biscuits.

Non-toxic vegetables such as sweet potato, pumpkin, and carrots are great options.

You can make curry using these non-toxic vegetables and mix it with rice for easier meal serving.

Fruits that are safe for dogs include bananas, strawberries, and pineapples.

Soya milk, soya chunks, or soya flour are good protein alternatives, with a pinch of salt if necessary, and mixed with rice makes it a good and nutritious meal for dogs.

Most stray dogs face some other kind of infection and disease due to the unhygienic places or surroundings where they live, especially puppies less than six months old.

The feeder should take their dogs for vaccination and give medicine for de-worming to prevent them from different diseases.

Feeding the stray dogs outside your house is a good thing. You can see the thankfulness in their eyes once you fill their stomach.

Published By: Admin
Published On: 23-November-2021
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