Training your dog with bell
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Training your dog with bell

Training your dog with bell Training your dog with bell Training your dog with bell Training your dog with bell Training your dog with bell

How to train a dog with a bell?

If you are training for potty, then dog bell training will be the best. You can train your puppy or adult dog to ring a " potty bell " whenever they want to go for potty.

Teaching your dog to ring a potty bell so that you can know when he/she needs to go outside for potty makes it simple, convenient, and can eliminate accidents.

All puppies had regular happenings in the home. Some dogs can learn to go potty outside when they are 3-4 months old, other dogs do not take long to train. 

Training the puppy or adult dog to ring a potty bell to go outside allows the dog to communicate the need to go to the bathroom. Dog bell training is convenient for both owner and dog and helps to prevent sudden happening.

Bell Trainings
Choose the dog bell, ready to start dog training. Be sure to have plenty of treats on hand. Start introducing the dog to the bell. 

Say the command "touch" and show the bell, holding it a couple of inches away from their nose. Treat and reward your dog for interest or engagement with the bell.

Place the bell near the door which you use most frequently to take your dog out for potty. Press the button or ring the bell each time you take your dog out.

The dog will slowly follow the sound of a bell and will know that the bell is ringing and he is being taken outside. The key to building this skill is your consistency in using the bell, each time you are taking your dog out.

Dogs are always obeying and learning from us. After watching you ring the bell before going outside, your dog will hopefully understand that the bell is related to going outside.

Keep this process doing until your dog begins to ring the bell without receiving any signal from you. Whenever your dog rings the bell doesn't get upset and immediately take them outside.

Some pet owners swear that all you have to do is just hang a bell from the door and ring it every time you take your dog outside until they eventually start ringing it by themselves.

Professional behavior experts, dog trainers, and experts at the AKC recommend a purpose approach to train your dog to ring a potty bell.

The Three-Step:
Train your dog to touch the bell with their nose and when he does it, reward him with a treat.

Encourage your dog to ring the bell at the door and don't forget to reward him with a treat.

Train your dog to ring the bell when he needs to go potty, but not unnecessarily.

As soon the dog's nose catches the bell, click or say "yes" and give a treat. You can use the clicker or say yes. Repeat these first two steps 10-15 times until the dog is reliably touching the bell every time you say touch.

Within a week of practicing, be ready to move on to the next step. This step will take the dog from touching the bell to ringing it next to the door. Hang the dog potty bells from the doorknob of the door used to take the pet outside. 

You can also hang the bell next to the doorframe. Whatever kind of bell using placed it at the nose or paw level of the dog. Bell training dogs is fun and easy, is not limited to certain types of dogs. 

Relationship Build between Dog Owner and Dog
Most dogs, after hearing the sound of the bell want to go outside very quickly.

Getting habituated by the sound of a bell or buttons between you and your dog can help to decrease frustration in the home and increase your bond with them.

Another benefit is that it allows your dog to communicate their needs with other people present at home who might be less aware of your dog's signals that they need to potty.

All sizes, ages, and breeds can master the potty bell in a few weeks of consistent training. Bell training is a great way to potty train, and it is also a cute trick.

It is a simple idea. Instead of barking to go out, teach the dog to jingle a set of bells hanging from the door. They are super easy to train a dog. Split the bell into thirds. Within 10 to 15 repetitions, the dog can understand part of the bell is to get "treats".

Top - Treat every time.

Middle - Randomly treat half of the time.

Bottom - No Treat. 


Published By: Admin
Published On: 31-July-2021
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